
I’m currently doing my PhD on The evolution of cooperation in structured populations involving multiplayer interactions under the supervision of Mark Broom as part of EvoGamesPlus, a European consortium focused on the theory and applications of evolutionary game theory.

In January and February 2024, I was a research visitor at the IMDEA Networks Institute in the Opportunistic Architectures Lab, working with Professor Vincenzo Mancuso and Professor Marco Ajmone Marsan.

From April to July 2023, I was a research visitor at the Medical University of Vienna and the Complexity Science Hub, working with Professor Rudolf Hanel.

From February to May 2022, I was a research visitor at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro, working under the supervision of Professor Igor Erovenko.

I received my Master’s degree in Engineering Physics (2020) from Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal. My final research project was on The Evolution of Signalling in Adaptive Networks, done under the supervision of Francisco C. Santos. During that time, I worked as a graduate research assistant for six months at the Group on AI for People and Society (GAIPS, INESC-ID) under the project Stochastic Dynamics of Collective Action (STOCA).